We’ve made learning at Hazina Institute easy. Here’s how it all works…

We’ve made every attempt to make learning online in Hazina Institute of Arts and Business Studies simple and straightforward.

Furthermore, you can now learn anywhere across the globe, if you have access to the internet, and get your certification conveniently.

Learn in 6 Easy Steps…

Here are the simple steps to get you instant access to world-class, career-accelerating trainings

Step 1: Create Account

You begin by Creating your Account to enroll for your courses in Hazina Institute. It is Free! 

Step 3: Select Course

Select your preferred course so that you can begin learning. You can pick multiple courses simultaenously.

Step 5: Start Learning

Enjoy interactive, dynamic and social learning online. Be sure to join the social learning forum!

Step 2: Login

Use your username and password to log in. You can view your profile, and select your courses.

Step 4: Pay

Pay conveniently via MPESA, Airtel Money, debit cards, or mobile money to gain immediate access. It is secure.

Step 6: Learn Again

Already completed your course? Start again! Pick another course, and boost your career!

Ready to start Learning?